A Line of Credit, offered by the Financial Institution to fund the difference of Health Providers open balance and Insurer’s reimbursement.  Otherwise to fund Co-Pay, deductibles and uncovered claims.  In addition InsurLink is utilized to aggregate participating Providers and Insurers into one simple view.

Fortunately or unfortunately life revolves around one’s health.  In the bifurcated medical world, consumers feel that insurance should pay for all medical expenses and personal health is a separate lifestyle choice.  GoHealth.me is a “Personal Health Management (PHM)” system that combines all solutions to a single platform for integration of all applications for, personal health management,  called InsurLink.  It overlays onto one’s Health Savings Account “HSA”.  It includes a baseline health score “GoH” score, personal health statistics, tracking of health activity, incentives for good behavior and payment vehicles.  All branding will be shortened and referred to as “GoH accounts”.

One of the main themes will be a health Score for baseline monitoring of health.  However there is much more value added services.  Just like our financial lives are affected by a FICO score by national credit agencies.  GoHealth.me proposes to exhibit and promote a health “GoH Score” through algorithms based on standard health measurements coupled with age groups and gender: